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Don't only send me spam emails!

Tyler Clay up close and personal

Tyler Clay

Jul 2nd4 min read

There are now more e-mail accounts than ever in history! In 2019 Statista predicts there will be 5.6 billion active email accounts. With so many active email accounts most businesses want to transition to digital marketing but are unsure where to start.

Businesses today don't have well defined e-mail marketing plans. E-mail marketing is more relevant today than ever, as people are spending more time on their mobile phones. No really, there are a lot of people on their phone! When was the last time you checked your email? Can you even remember? DMA Insights reports that 99% of consumers check their email every day! 50% of US respondents say they check their email more than 10 times a day. This has triggered businesses to shift their focus to email marketing. E-mail marketing is 40x more effective than social media marketing for customer acquisition (Campaign Monitor). E-Mail marketing is the best form of marketing when used to better the customer experience.

Millennials are a new breed of consumer! They prefer to do business online and want the time used at your establishment to be streamlined by technology. 73% of millennials would prefer that businesses communicate with them via email. This requires incorporating technology into your business process. If your business sends customers marketing emails, however fails to send transaction emails you could be missing out on business growth. Transactional emails have an open rate that is 8x higher than other emails. Transaction emails help to build loyalty to your brand and serve as a record for the customer of the transaction. Successfully marketing your business is more than just sending out marketing emails! You must incorporate technology into your business process with the goal of streamlining the experience for the customers and service providers. If your business is not currently sending out transaction emails you need to implement better technology into your business process.

Custom software solutions help to streamline the customers experience by onboarding, servicing, and alerting the customers of activities related to your business. This will result in better communication between your business and the customer. Leads can be automatically tagged with relevant information and email campaigns automatically trigger related to the interest of the customer. 80% of business professionals believe that email marketing increases customer retention (Emarsys). Sending these transactional emails will allow your marketing e-mails to make it past the spam filter and into the inbox of your customer. Custom software solutions allow businesses to send tailored transaction emails, which increase brand loyalty. Get a free quote on custom software and marketing solutions for your business here!



Transactional email open rates are 8x higher - Campaign Monitor

Email beats social by 40x for customer acquisition - Campaign Monitor

Active email accounts are expected to hit 5.6 billion by 2019 - Statista

More than 50 percent of U.S. respondents check their personal email account more than 10 times a day, and it is by far their preferred way to receive updates from brands - Campaign Monitor

80% of business professionals believe that email marketing increases customer retention - Emarsys

99% of consumers check their email every day. - DMA Insights



In Conclusion

Stop only sending your customers spammy marketing emails and send them emails relevant to their actions and interests!
