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Tyler at the beach

Portfolio Website

Portfolio Website

Website Development

  • Development
  • Design
  • SEO

Tyler Clay is a well-versed software engineer based in the Houston, TX area. This website was created as a means to distribute his resume to potential employers. The website processes incoming prospective employer leads and adds them to his calendar automatically. The site is completely database-driven and any of the information on the site can be changed without any technical skills whatsoever through a dashboard. The site also can generate a word document file for interested parties to download on the site.


The tech stack behind this site consists of ReactJS, Redux, Node.JS, and an AWS infrastructure. Since we are developers we were able to really customize the technologies in use to meet out exact needs. Educational and professional information on the owner of Candy Creative is hosted on this website. View the front end UI code for this project at


Tyler is deeply involved in software development and desires sharing articles from time to time. This blog post page also allows Tyler to post content relevant to his skills and services to drive organic search engine traffic.

Tyler Full Blog Page


Tyler wanted it to be as easy as possible to discover his various skills within development. It also has a form that allows potential employers to reach out directly.

Tyler Full Home Page


Tyler also wanted to make sure that if anyone was interested in his skillset it would be as easy to reach out as possible. A contact form was built with a Twillio integration that sends Tyler a text message each time someone reaches out.

Tyler Partial Contact Form


In old resume fashion Tyler also needed a place to store his professional experience. Although this information is also in his resume he decided to host the content here also for ease of access.

Tyler Partial Professional Experience


You can't make a resume website without your resume information on it. This section mocks what is in Tyler's resume document.

Tyler Partial Resume


Tyler is a full stack developer in the Houston area. This site was created to distribute his resume information to prospective employers.

Tyler Partial Skills
Tyler Mobile Screenshot 2
Tyler Mobile Screenshot 3
Tyler Mobile Screenshot 1

Candy Creative

2800 Post Oak Blvd

Suite 5600E

Houston, TX 77056

+1 713 269 2011

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CEO - Tyler Clay